Tempest - openstack tests
setting up the virtual env
virtualenv t
cd t
. bin activate
The tempest versions are defined as (13.0.0, 14.0.0,.... 17.0.0 etc). checkout the required version
installing tempest in virtual env
git clone https://github.com/openstack/tempest
cd tempest
git checkout 13.0.0
pip install .
Now you have get the tempest executable.
$ tempest --version
tempest 13.0.0
Initizalize the directory with default config files.
tempest init c1
Here: c1 name of the cloud directory. it will initialize with etc folder (for config files) and logs directory.
(t13) cloud@devstack1:~/t13/c1$ ls -lrt
total 12
drwxrwxr-x 2 cloud cloud 4096 Dec 13 05:23 tempest_lock
drwxrwxr-x 2 cloud cloud 4096 Dec 13 05:23 etc
drwxrwxr-x 2 cloud cloud 4096 Dec 13 05:23 logs
List the available tests:
Note: Execute from inside the folder
cd c1
tempest run --list-tests
Configuration file:
We should create/update three configuration files.
- tempest.conf
- accounts.yaml
- whilelist.txt
accounts.yaml consists of the account(openstack creds) details.
$ cat accounts.yaml
- username: 'demo'
user_id: 'f4a3fbe4da734f6dbb90fb43a57ef1e0'
tenant_id: 'b8f411226c73486abcc80eaa59308623'
tenant_name: 'demo'
password: 'openstack123'
- 'Member'
whitelist.txt file - It consists of the tests to be executed. If we dont have all the tests(default - 1000+) will be executed.
$ cat whitelist.txt
Note: The test name can be get from tempest run --list-tests output.
tempest.conf - tempest configuration files, consists of openstack attributes/config to be used, for ex keystone api version(either v2 or V3), public netowrk details, image details etc.
Take a copy from github and modify it.
Test Execution:
tempest run --whitelist-file etc/whitelist.txt