Chapter 16 : Service Chaining

Introduction :

What is service chaining

To be updated

How to do Service Chaining in OpenContrail:


  1. Create 2 Network ( Left Network, Right Network)
  2. Create a VMs(VNFs eg: Firewall, NAT, etc) with Left, Right,
  3. Create a Service Template for each VNF (Fields: Name, version, Virtualization type, service mode, service type, interfaces)
  4. Create a Service Instance for each VNF (Fields: Name, Service template, Networks,Port tuples)
  5. Create a Network Policy (Allow traffic between Left and Right Networks, Select Service instances created )
  6. Apply the Network Policy in Left and Right Networks


  1. Create a VM(VM1) in Left Network
  2. Create a VM(VM2) in Right Network
  3. Initiate a traffic from VM1 to VM2.
  4. The traffic will go via the Service Chain VM(Firewall). we can login to the Firewall VM(Service Insntace) and sniff the traffic or see the firewall logs.

Exercise 1:

Create a Firewall VNF, Router VNF.

VM1 traffic should go via Firewall VNF to reach VM2. vice versa.


Create 2 Networks named left,right in opentstack.

Left :

Right :

neutron net-create Left
neutron subnet-create Left --name LeftS
neutron net-create Right
neutron subnet-create Left --name RightS


Create a 2 VMs (VNF) with Left,Right

Flavor - Ubuntu 14.04.5, RAM - 1G, Core -1

Cloudinit - Script to bring the second interface up, and enable IP forward. This script is part of the nova boot commad "user-data".

echo $'auto eth1\niface eth1 inet dhcp' | sudo tee /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth1.cfg > /dev/null
sudo ifup eth1
echo $'auto eth2\niface eth2 inet dhcp' | sudo tee /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth2.cfg > /dev/null
sudo ifup eth2
sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
nova boot routerVNF --flavor 6 --image ubuntu14 --key-name testkey --security-groups default --user-data --nic net-id=ab580d57-97d8-4b28-8800-42403b406609 --nic net-id=91eaa294-a5bc-4f9b-8dde-b8deeebb10bb

nova boot fwVNF --flavor 6 --image ubuntu14 --key-name testkey --security-groups default --user-data --nic net-id=ab580d57-97d8-4b28-8800-42403b406609 --nic net-id=91eaa294-a5bc-4f9b-8dde-b8deeebb10bb


Create a Service Template (use contrail UI)

FW Service Tempalte

Service Templates -> create ->

Name: FW

Version : v2

Virtualization Type : Virtual Machine

Service Mode : In-Network

Service Type : Firewall

Interfaces : Left, Right

Router Service Template

same as above.


Create a Service Instance

FW Service Instance:

Service Instace -> create ->

Name: FW-SI

Service Template : FW

Interface Type: Left : Virtual Network : Left

Interface Type : Right Virtual Network : Right

PortTuples -> Tuple -> Left -, Right -

Router Service Instace:

Same as above


Create a Network Policy

Policies -> New

Name : LeftToRight

Policy Rules:

Action: PASS, Protocol : ANY, Source : Left, Ports : Any, Destination: Right, Ports : Any,

Services : Yes

Service Instances : FW-SI, Router-SI

Step 6:

Apply the network Policy

Networks -> Edit Left Network

Network Policies : LeftToRight

Networks -> Edit Right Network

Network Policies : LeftToRight

Step 7:

Create a Source VM in the Left Network

Create a Destination VM in the Right Network

Ping from Source VM to Destination VM

Capture the traffic in FW-VNF VM and Router-VNF VM.


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